Saturday, 28 April 2012

FTI Singapore Chapter-Interaction with TN Farmers(Why farmers leave farming?)

My Dear Friends,

As an committed activity of FTI(Freedom Team of India) Singapore chapter,i have identified and interacted with a team of 5 people from Tamilnadu currently living in singapore and working in keppel ship yard.The most amazing and pity thing is that all of them were farmers and i had conducted a live interview with them,why they left farming job and seek other job for their living?The outcome of the interview gives myself and the farmers were that they don't have real freedom of selling their own produced grains and agriculture stuffs in their land to good profits.They even understand the need for economic liberty and free market concept;If those were available then really the farmers will not leave their farming jobs to seek other jobs and economic liberty will leads to prosperity was well understood by them.My interaction with them really awakens them a lot.I have translated the video recorded in Tamil to English in my blog below;kindly go through it and provide your valuable comments.

********Video Links*********

****Translation of the Tamil video to English****

This article is a brief translation of the above Tamil video link to English. I have identified a few farmers who are working in Singapore in the Keppel ship yard. I got to know them through my friend Mani raja and it was a quite interesting when I interacted with them and come to know that they are not from marine background but actually they were farmers who came from Tamil nadu. They left farming field because of poor income and very less profit and sometimes no profit even. The Farmer named Mr.Kalaiselvan from Cuddalore district of Tamil nadu which is a peculiar place where agriculture is affected because of water since this area is prone to flood during rainy season and this has been happening for quite long time, but there is no facility to protect the flood and conserve that water via dam and use it during the summer season. The basic discussion with the farmer is why he left the farming? Why can’t he grow with farming? What are the difficulties he is facing in order to improve his life style? Let’s go in detail.
Government is providing loan to both small land owners as well to big landlords,per acre a small farmer is getting around Rs.10,500/- for farming in which Rs.500/- is gone for the banking and other formalities,this interest less loan should be paid back year end without fail.The money left with farmer is 10,000/- in which for tiling and coolie/labor costs itself eats all the money and apart from that he spends his own money to do farming.Once all is done and he started reaping the crop and here is the basic problem starts for the farmer;Because most of the rice they produce as outcome is bought by the govt as they provided loan and other supports at very cheap rate.Hence the outcome is that the farmers could not even benefit from what he spends,because he has no freedom of either fixing his price based on the supply and demand nor he has no freedom in selling to private players which is termed illegal by the government that if a truck cross the check post with more than 30 Gunny bags of rice they should declare that it belongs to so and so farmer with land proof etc.Also its banned that rice should not be sold from one state to another state.This state intervention is preventing both the welfare of Farmers as well private players too.Hence who will do a farming job with so much of difficulty and atlast gaining nothing?This is the current situation and reason for declining in agricultural sector.This is what the poor is suffering from lack of economic liberalization in this country and hence a huge demand is created for rice and other stuffs which we are forced to get imported from other countries;though we have potential opportunities to develop indigenous.Mr.kalaiselvan understands,felts badly that as a farmer he could not improve his life style and look after his family,that is the reason he left farming field and moved abroad to do some other task which would fetch him some income for his family.The core point is lack of economic freedom is felt,well understood by Mr.Kalaiselvan.Also other fringes which enables agriculture are highlighted in the discussion like Poor irrigation facilities,Lack of water bodies like (Dams)which will be useful for continuing agriculture even during drought and extreme summer conditions for which state shall enable/provide opportunities to the private to take up these tasks instead of controlling themselves.
****Statistical data and required reforms for agricultural sector**** 
Below are the statistical data which i would like to just show some light on the current situation of agricultural sector in India.

"When tillage begins other arts follow.The farmers,therefore,are the founders of Human civilization-Its a famous OLD adage."

"A doctor wants his child to become a doctor,engineer wants his child to become an engineer,but no farmer wants his child to become a farmer-New adage"

Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy,you would have heard this word commonly and many times. About 65% of the population depends directly on agriculture and it accounts for around 22% of the India’s GDP. Agriculture is important because of the vital supply and demand link with the manufacturing sector. Share of agriculture sector in India’s GDP has declined from 48% in 1950 to around 20% in 2007.

Food security and sustainability our major goal has been still a big ?????. Now agriculture sector is at point from where it can take big leap.

  • Need for public private partnership in policy development and research.
  • Linking of markets-domestic and international through efficient open market supply chain.
  • Turning agricultural sector into organized business. Where farmer is an entrepreneur.
  • Making farming an activity for profit rather than for subsistence.
  • Economic freedom should be there for farmers to sell their products any where in India and open market freedom should be given.
India being so diverse in climate, soil types, geography and all the more disparities in the growth level in different state, it is utter most important to plan growth through micro level initiatives.
  • Privatize for developing rate of growth of irrigated area.
  • Improving rain water harvesting and watershed development through privatization.
  • Improving incentives structure and functioning of the market.
  • Refocus on land reforms.
  • Promote animal husbandry and fisheries.


  • Declining Productivity.
  • Poor irrigation and water management.
  • Declining agricultural research.
  • Distorting market due to government intervention.
  • Declining public and private investment.
  • Unorganized credit and insurance.
  • Poor infrastructure.
  • Inefficient supply chain and marketing strategy.
  • Slow development of agro processing units.
India's Productivity compared with world best(Shameful and pity):

Don't you ever think we need a reform to save Indian agri industry???If you think pls do join

Agriculture being constrained by the availability of land, the productivity remains the crucial factor based on which is the future of India’s food security.
(unit: tones per hectare)


RICE 3.03 9.71(EGYPT)
WHEAT 2.69 8.89(NAMIBIA)

Just think about it why are we lagging and why cant we do our best to achieve best yield with available landscape where as others are able to do.
Best Regards,
"Government that's ideal govern the least"

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Its high Time &need of hour for Educated Youths to take part in Nation building.: What is socialist Policy mean?How Free market will...

Its high Time &need of hour for Educated Youths to take part in Nation building.: What is socialist Policy mean?How Free market will...: I would like to just pitch in a concise note about Socialism,free market economy and how those policies will impacts India. Socialism is o...

What is socialist Policy mean?How Free market will prosper?An awakening to people.

I would like to just pitch in a concise note about Socialism,free market economy and how those policies will impacts India.Socialism is one of the political ideology followed by political parties and India has very badly leaned and derived this failure model from Russia(It was a dictatorship nation once with all centralized/heavy government regulated policies) without understanding how it will benefit to this people of large nation which is a democracy(India),our blunt leaders has unfortunately choose it and for which we are paid heavily in terms of poor infrastructure,corruption,poor health care,extreme poverty,extreme economic inequality etc...

What is Socialism?

"Socialism is an economic system characterized by social ownership and control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy,and a political philosophy advocating such a system. "Social ownership" may refer to any one of, or a combination of, the following: cooperative enterprises, common ownership, direct public ownership or autonomous state enterprises.They differ in the type of social ownership they advocate, the degree to which they rely on markets versus planning, how management is to be organised within economic enterprises, and state plays vital role in constructing socialism."

Few examples ->Impact of Public ownership(Centralized planning for people welfare-Rs.8000 crore under NREGA in Andhra has not been utilized to preserve and augment groundwater - JP
Like wise so many nasty things can be brought out which are numerous because of wrong policies we adopted.

Socialism insists that economics is all about scarcity.Resources are scarce and centralized planners have to allocate them.this is a false world view they seek to impart to the victims of their educational system.
Where as the free market economy is an Eco system.Its an ecosystem in which human beings specialize and create wealth.In this market economy ecosystem,niches are created in which we survive.what ever enters the market economy Eco-system also survives.resources which enter market economy are always in abundance.Just think 70% of earth is made up of water and water is scarce in India,why is it so?
This prompts many to foolishly argue the basic role of state is to provide clean drinking water 
to all.Contrast this with petroleum products.the earth possesses very little petroleum products
compared to water.yet petrol and diesel are always available in plently.while there is
scarcity of water.the reason for this is the market. Encourage private players to pitch in and will take care of all those needs through supply and demand with healthy competition.

The currently 65 years adopted socialistic devil's philosophy is it does not allow us view human beings as a resource;indeed the ultimate resource is human being.But clever crooks promote people to think that people are burden(Population explosion), incapable of bettering thier own condtions without state help(A big false statement imposed and made us believe by the selfish state).The truth is quite obverse;its the state that is a very big problem,for it is the state's unthinking policies that are keeping people poor.And not that people become poor because they are unable to think or survive or lack of intellectualism.Hence the natural ability of trade should be allowed freely which will enable people to automatically survive themselves rather nonsense elements poking their state power as if they think they were god to protect the people which is absolute insane.

"No welfare state will take utmost care or will think or consider using the public money as if their own money"

"Socialism are the policies against human prosperity and let us promote free market economy which is for the well being of people prosperity"

Kindly read this and comments are welcome.Also pls do visit the FTI Site

Best Regards,

Its high Time &need of hour for Educated Youths to take part in Nation building.: Does Lokpal fix corruption issues,India's shame go...

Its high Time &need of hour for Educated Youths to take part in Nation building.: Does Lokpal fix corruption issues,India's shame go...: One should clearly  understand the root cause for corruption,why its occurring and why its uncontrollable? We know that we have very bad p...

Does Lokpal fix corruption issues,India's shame governance and inefficiency to deliver prosperity even after 65 years?

One should clearly  understand the root cause for corruption,why its occurring and why its uncontrollable?
We know that we have very bad poilcies which favors the politicians to misuse thier power and creates all the mess.Our Political/economic model is in such way that we have been following for past 65 years is that "State has been made as enterprenuor rather giving it to the hands of private/people".Hence here state(Government)has too much power with many regulations to private and most of the treasury,revenue is controlled by state but there is no accountability with those politicians,beauractras and other related power handlers.Hence this centralist power paves way for corruption and along with that below are key salients points to be pondered.
1.There is no incentive in India which allow good poeple to Contest/come in elections.{To be considered with high priority}
2.Already many corrupt politicans got entrenched strongly in this nation which is quite diffcult to evade,as they posses too much money and brawn power.{To resolve this we need good forces to act in}
Team Anna's movement is highly appreciated for this movement against corruptoin and demanding for decentralization of power which is excellent.But they should know that this is not the vivid solution to curb corruption,as we are fighting against crooks who will not change as they are enjoy eating the fruit of socialist bad policies.Hence to have healthy reform for haven sake the swamp should be drained and good poeple should come in and the key is to distribute the power,also private entrepreneurship should be encouraged(ECONOMIC FREEDOM&FREE MARKET SHOULD BE THERE FOR PRIVATE TO EXHIBIT THEIR TALENTS).There is wise saying about India merchant class brilliance"A bania can buy from a Jew and sell it to a Scot,but still emerge with profit"so there should be free market and people will automatically trade freely and prosperous economically. At least the so called shameless crooks who govern this nation should look at the developed nation and ask themselves how?why?what made those country prosperous?"A good governance is the one which governs least";The primary function that every citizen of this nation is looking for is Security,quick justice and very good infrastructure,to all my dear friends pls think why this nation has failed for the past 65 years to do this and even i am reinsating that it will be still worse in coming years if the existing political setup continues.

Kindly do comment on this blog.

Pls do read the below article why Lokpal is not a stringent solution to curb corruption?An insight by FTI Team.

Best Regards,