Sunday, 1 January 2012

No country can ever developed without the citizens being literate.The problems of over population,AIDS,Law and order,lack of communal harmony,Lack of women empowerment,female foeticide,poverty,unemployment, health etc can only be solved as soon as possible,once our people can learn to read and write and get educated,where as the current literacy rate is 61%.In the last 64 years we have not been able to achieve this.In the last 64 years we seem to have missed putting in place,world Class foundation of work excellence,work ethics and work culture.At same time when we got independence,the countries like Germany,Korea,Japan were totally destructed and torn up in war with such great difficulty they stood up, recognized with a national spirit and educated their entire nation with excellent governance and administration that is where these nations stand at the top in all aspects.But still we dint learn from these countries at least by seeing them.

Can we see a single place with neat and clean in any of the Town/city in India?Can we see a safer place for women to be?Can we see a single place without child labor?can we see a single place without a beggar in the street?This is utter shame and we have been procrastinating this for past 6 decades and this is what keep on continuing further... Disappointingly we are losing all our great values which we had in our ancient days....
Once i went to Mumbai for a work and was going to vashi where you can see the utter discipline less activity of our people by spitting the chewed pan from mouth on the wall of railway station,the toilet is in such a worst condition that it need be located there since it can be demolished.Also in every street you can see a beggars in roads.When is this country going to be changed?still we dint get proper water,sanitation and good education to our own citizens.Now its not the time to blame the British or else.Its all our own people we need to blame.
For the past 6 decades we are still a developing country only,with all the wealth and such a great human resources we are unable to get through in right directions by our politicians.As the selfish attitude of crazy politicians leads this nation in wrong direction,you would see in Indian politics for vote propaganda the stance like free color TV,Free mixe,grinder,Rice etc a pen with 500 Rs note hidden inside,but you cannot a find a politician stating i will give free education and youth employment to his constituency.Here money and brawn power speaks,no ethics and no educated person take part to get in right direction except a very few.As the educated men feels politics is a dirty place where all moral values are buried.This fear has to be erased and its a real wake up call for all the youths to take part and strive to change this nation as global hub in all aspects(Tourism,Business,Education and health care).

Is this fair to the poor people of India?When 300 Million are jobless and 350 million are partly employed (Unorganized sector)and 240 million are below poverty line.
Many people are having lack of awareness because of lack of education which make the craziest politicians to take advantage and they are driving in the different paths with no growths as there illiterates don't know  what they need exactly,this is where the educated youth should stand up and create awareness about what this country needs absolutely.

Just have a look to know where do we stand by comparing a equivalent neighboring country...

No. Economic or Social factor Unit of measurement China India
1. Total Area (out of which water) millions of sq km 9.60 (2.8%) 3.29 (9.5%)
2. Arable Land millions of sq km 1.48 1.79
3. Irrigated Land millions of sq km 0.53 0.61
4. Railways - length in km '000 71.90 63.23
5. Roadways - paved - length in km '000 1,447 2,411
6. Waterways - length in km '000 123 14.5
7. Natural Gas - Proved Reserves in billion cu m 2,530 854
8. Oil - Proved Reserves billion bbl 18.60 5.70
9. Airports - Total/paved/unpaved numbers 489/389/89 334/239/995
10. Coastline in km 14,500 7,000
11. Steel Production million tons/year 280 45
12. Food grain production million tons/year 418 210
13. Cement Production million tons/year 650 150
14. Crude Oil production million tons/year 180 40
15. Coal Production million tons/year 1,300 300
16. Electricity generated Billions of Kilowatts 2,190 557
17. Transmission & distribution losses as % of total power 6.8 23.4
18. Electricity tariff US$ / 100 KW 4 to 5 8 to 10
19. Cost of commercial borrowing as % interest/ year 6 - 7 8 - 16
20. Telephone lines connected millions 311 67
21. TV sets in households millions 500 85
22. Mobile/cellular phones millions 400 100
23. Internet users millions 111 51
24. Foreign trade (China+HongKong) US$ billions/year 1038+923=1961 260
25. External debt (China+Hong Kong) US$ billions 242+416= 658 120
26. Exports (China+HongKong) US$ billions/year 752+286= 1038 120
27. Imports (China + HongKong) US$ billions/year 632+291= 923 138
28. Tourist Arrivals millions/year 87 4
29. TV broadcast stations numbers 3240 562
30. Radio broadcast stations AM/FM/short wave 369/259/49 153/91/68
31. FDI inflow (China + Hong Kong) US$ billions/year 106 8
32. Forex Reserves (China+Hong Kong) US$ billions 1017+122= 1,139 175
33. GDP (China+Hong Kong) US$ billions 2102+179= 2,281 750
34. GDP Growth (2006) in % rate over last year 9.3 7.9
35. Labour Composition Agriculture %/Industry %/ Services % 49/22/29 60/17/23
36. Population millions 1,314 1,095
37. Population increase per year millions 7.2 15.3
38. Birth rate Numbers per 1000 13 22
39. Per Capita income US$ per year/person 1,498 658
40. Life expectancy Years 74 64
41. Investment % of GDP 44 25
42. Poverty line - numbers %/Numbers in millions 10/131 25/273
43. Inflation Rate % 1.9 4.6
44. Median age Numbar of years 33 25
45. Population Growth Rate % of population 0.59 1.38
46. Infant mortality rate Death Rate per 1,000 23 55
47. GDP (PPP) US$ billions 8,182 3,699
48. GDP (PPP) per person US$ per person/year 6,300 3,400
49. Fertility Rate children born/woman 1.73 2.73
50. Literacy Rate - Definied as age 15 and over can read & write - % of Pop 91 60
51. Death Rate Rate per 1,000 pop 6.97 8.18
52. Public Debt % of GDP 29 82
53. Unemployment rate % of workforce 20 30
54. Labour force in millions 797 496
55. People living with HIV/AIDS '000 (2003) 840 5110
56. Government budget Revenues/Expenditure US$ billions 392/424 111/126

The below stance rightly applicable to the youths and people looking for a enlightenment in society,

"The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men"- A quote of Famous Greek Philosopher.

Hence the sincere request to the youths of India are you are at high time and has a serious role to get inside governance and each and every candidate in the constituency should be with willful commitment with a purpose to serve this nation.Unless we cannot stood up in the world and can be seen as super power. Lets try to make VISION 2020 Possible with youths involvement. 

"The Purpose of a government is to make it easy for people to do good and difficult to do evil"

Lets join our hands in putting this upright.

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